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Otroške nalepke za wc školjko

Otroške nalepke za wc školjko
Product Code: #457

Availability: In stock


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Prijatelji na wc školjki bodo opogumili vašega malčka in mu omogočili raziskovanje wc školjke na zabaven in pozitiven način. Vzpodbujajo zgodnje zavedanje in zmanjšujejo strah pred nečim novim, nečem kar še ne poznajo in ne obvladajo. Priporočajo jih pediatri, otroški psihologi, številni starši in vzgojitelji. Oblikovani so z namenom, da spodbudijo komunikacijo med družinskimi člani, povečajo otrokov interes in kar je najpomembnejše pripravijo otroka na samostojno opravljanje potrebe na zabaven način. Z lahkoto in brez dodatnega orodja jih namestite na vse standardne wc školjke, so varni, ne toksični in enostavni za čiščenje. Na voljo v dveh motivih: zajček in kužek
otrok svetuje Seveda malček opazi tudi, da ima njegov prijatelj zaradi diskretnosti zaprte oči, ko je pokrov školjke dvignjen.


Otroške nalepke za wc školjko so prikazane v 2. polovici videa:


You can pay with Visa, MasterCard, Maestro, Diners Discover via Braintree sistem We can assure you that all payments are very safely. We use the best and safest technology that is currently available to make your transactions as safe as possible. All your personal data and that of your creditcard is encrypted via a secure server software (SSL) for maximum security. Your creditcard number is at no time indicated to us.

You can also pay via Paypal or even by bank transfer. Once the full amount is on our account, we can make your order ready for shipping. Braintree  as a PayPal service are innovative payments technology, scalable solutions, which are backed by one of the world’s largest and most trusted fintech brands.






We shipp all around  with standard delivery via POST. The price depends on the country of delivery. Orders above 70 € are shiiped for free all over the world. The delivery time depends on the country of delivery but we create, make and packege between 1 and 7 working days after the payment is made. In the case of lost the return of the goods must be waited for first. If you would like delivery with tracking number via DHL /GLS please contact us to send you a new offer of shipping cost.


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